Who's Confused by the Chrianna Reunion?
By now, everybody has heard about the Chris Brown and Rihanna situation, which has been swirling around on the net for weeks. I mean, I pretty much felt it was a no-brainer that they were finished with each other. However, when I began hearing that she was hiding details about the incident, something told me that it was highly possible that she'd take him back. Well, my suspicions were true. RiRi has given her R&B artist turned boxer boyfriend another chance! I mean, that's just insane to me! Why would she take him back after he bloodied and bruised her up like that? I know that only the both of them know the complete events that led to that violent tirade weeks ago. However, I'm just really disappointed in her. I guess she likes a good beating. True, we all make mistakes, but a situation of that nature should not be tolerated. It could have easily turned fatal. The sad thing about it is that a lot of women take men back, after they've been abused, which doesn't send a good message to the violator. I mean not all women tolerate abusive behavior, but a great deal of them do. I really hope this doesn't happen again for Rihanna's sake. The couple is supposedly staying at one of Diddy's homes in Miami. The both of them are young and I realize that at age, sometimes people disregard the obvious until it's too late. Love can cloud the judgment of many, especially when you are young; believe me I know. I really hope this is the last time that we hear about any violence between the couple.