Mommy Dearest is Back To Business!
A few months ago we heard that Usher was going to hire his mom as his manager again. Well, now it is official. His rep has stated that he has tossed Benny Medina to the curbside. Mama is back in business! I think it was wrong for him fire his mama anyway. Usher haven't you learned that mama know's best???!! But no, he wanted to act like he knew everything and fell on his face in the process of that. Here I Stand failed to please Usher fans. I just hope that Usher has learned his lesson and get's back in good graces with his mom. You just don't do mama like that! This photo of him kissing his mom is a good start. And he better keep a muzzle on his wife Tameka too because from what I understand, mama and wifey don't get a long...
He is so stupid! His mama did a great job with him all his career. I hope he learned his lesson. Can't nobody take care of you like your mama
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