Michelle Williams on MTV's TRL/BET Has Issues With New Video
Michelle Williams made an appearance on MTV's TRL yesterday. Apparently, Michelle posted a message on myspace stating that BET suggested that her song "We Break The Dawn" was not 'urban' enough. The singer decided to address this situation because many of her fans were wondering why BET does not play the video. Michelle released an update on the situation and stated that the video has been given to BET as part of her marketing plan for the single and has actually been played on the channel. The singer remains positive about the situation and says the song will remain in regular rotation on BET. How do you guys feel about this situation? I am actually surprised that BET caused felt that the video was not urban. A lot of these songs nowadays sounds the same; with a fusion of dance and European pop elements. R&B seems to be shifting in a different direction right now. Let me know what you think!
Thanks to Sandrarose.com for addressing the situation!
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